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6 Hood Healer Tips to Manifest Your Best 2019


By: Charmaine Griffin

Just days after bringing in 2019, the new moon—which started Jan. 5—has brought about a time for much-needed new beginnings, if you had a trash 2018. Despite exiting a year where we saw the most drama among some of our most beloved celebrities, like Kanye West professing his love for Trump in the White House, we also saw growing buzz around the Black witchy movement. 

Blavity interviewed the Hoodwitch, who shared some insight into her own new moon rituals, including “moon parties” for friends and family. She even wrote "The Hoodwitch's Guide to New Moon Rituals," to help reset intentions and manifest new desires. The popularity of her work opened the door for numerous “hood witches” sharing their knowledge on social media and guiding followers to owning their divinity. 

Peep the advice from some of Instagram's best witches and healers that will help you recharge mentally and spiritually in 2019.

1. Get out of your comfort zone. 

This year we aren't settling! According to the Trap Witch, an intuitive healer and spiritual coach who calls herself "trap Oprah," if there's a vision you have for your life — whether it's in love, career, finances — mediocre won't cut it. Don't allow being comfortable to stop you from attaining your highest desires. 

"I want an unsettling type of love and people around me who want that, too. Never get too comfortable. There’s no growth there. I always crave the type of love that puts fire under my ass to be better than I’ve ever been. I’ve found that in many sources in 2018, firstly being myself. For that I’m grateful," the Trap Witch captioned in an Instagram post. 


2. Don't expect 2019 to be perfect. 

It's often said that we don't necessarily find all our happiness in the destination, but on the journey it took to get there. Tarot reader and priestess Tatianna Tarot reminds us that we are most grateful after we've endured hardships to reach our goal. Don't be afraid of the rough moments this year because it's just preparing you for a something greater.

"Getting to this point of happiness, bliss and abundance, sometimes requires that you endure trials & tribulations along the way. On an emotional level, this speaks volumes on reaching a point where you are content & grateful for the way things turned out," she wrote on Twitter. 

3. Be gentle with yourself. 

When we think about resolutions for the new year, we typically want to achieve the moon and the stars with extremely high (and sometimes unattainable) expectations. While this may jumpstart our focus to reach potential goals, it may not leave room for failure or slip up's. Before you know it you've given up on your resolution.

Maraym Hasanaa, initiated priestess and consciousness studies teacher, stated in an Instagram post that we have to love ourselves through upcoming changes with grace and patience.

"Gentle reminder to keep kindness in your own heart," she captioned

4. Use the life lessons you've had as fuel! 

Intuitive #HoodooBoo Nefertiti M., known as @HoodHealingHoodoo via Instagram, shared a lengthy post reminding followers to learn from their past and appreciate each moment as a lesson to guide the next season of life. She teaches that lessons can manifest in the form of a relationship, a job or a decision that produces an outcome that may not seem desirable at first, but it will lead to growth. Reflect on what you learned from 2018, and own the lessons you you've mastered. 

"Life got allllll the lessons, baby. ALLUVEM! Try looking at everything (literally everything and everyone) as a lesson.. and shit begins to make more sense + will feel less like a personal attack on you individually," she wrote

5. DO THE WORK, period't. 

Nothing in life comes free, and everything we want will require some level of hard work that's either physical, mental, spiritual or a combination of the three. Energy Healer and astrologer Danielle Ayoka of Mystic Lipstick, LLC created The Healing Seriesworkshop, which is dedicated to removing old patterns and energy that could be blocking you from everything you want. Consider trying out a workshop or tapping into another type of practice that will help you stay intentional and accountable.  

"We’ll be removing any patterns, energy and baggage that causes us to be out of alignment with the universal flow of nature that causes continual blockages in our abundance and peace. This healing series will be the ultimate blockage, baggage and sabotage removal," Ayoka wrote about her series. 

6. Embrace your divinity and own your power. 

If you want this year to be one of achievement and happiness you'll have to dig deep and embrace the strength you have from within. This list couldn't be complete without a tip from the Hoodwitch herself, who encourages us to get in touch with our power to gain the clarity needed to guide us along the 2019 journey.

"What does embracing personal power feel like? It feels like ease. It feels like authenticity and not performing. It feels like clarity, and certainty. It feels like being ok by not being accepted by everyone...You are not for everyone," she wrote.


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